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Dealing With Winter Allergies

It’s January and you would think that allergies are gone but with the warmer weather that is just not the case. Seasonal allergies are staying around longer causing people to think they have a sinus infection. Experts say that anytime the fall weather continues you will have these type of symptoms but the biggest problem is people knowing what’s wrong with them.

“I have several patients so far that have come in this season saying that I have a sinus infection, I need my antibiotic, and really the allergies are just persisting,” says Dr. Sarah Eineser, DO family medicine. There are some things that will make it easier to tell what type of sickness you have.

“Low grade fever, even higher fever with some sinus infections, market facial pressure, market headache, ears may be feeling like they are going to pop consistently,” says Dr. Eineser. With winter allergies you want to make sure you wash your hands and keep things sanitized and make sure that your heater and ventilation systems are cleaned out. But the best news is there are some easy things to do to keep your breathing area clean.

“Make sure the dust is cared for in your home. wash those bed sheets and pillow cases, shower at night before you lay back down, before the allergies of the day are in your face and on your pillow case,” says Dr. Eineser. If your symptoms are around for more than two weeks you need to make sure that you get to the doctors office again.

Cedar trees are also a problem this time of year. Doctors say you need to make sure to wash any clothes or items that may he around those type of trees.

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